Diversity in my Microsystems

 Over the years I have met lots of different types of people. Most of them are white, straight, middle class, and some form of Christian. This isn't entirely the case though as some of the people in my social groups don't fit into these categories. Here are a few examples of diversity I find that are different.

  • My Uncle's family is Catholic. 
  • Some of my friends are conservative and others are liberal. 
  • Some of my friends are less fortunate than me and have to pay their own rent, buy their own cars, and/or pay for their tuition.
  • Some of my friends have a trust fund.
  • I know some mixed race people and some Hispanic people.
  • I have some gay/bisexual friends.

I'm not super close with everyone I just referred to above, but I would say that some of my closest friends don't hold some of the same values and preferences I do. For instance, One of my close friends leans really far left politically even though I find myself more in the middle. Another one of my friends is gay and my girlfriend is bisexual while I'm straight. I am close with many Athiests and I am Christian. My social groups are somewhat limited as far as diversity is concerned because most of the people I know are either engineers or part of the acapella world. On top of that, a campus like K-State attracts lots of small town conservative white individuals. 

I don't make much of an effort to diversify my relationships, but to be honest I don't seek out friendships very often. I'm actively trying to get out of my shell more but I still enjoy my alone time. I would be willing, however, to meet new people whose experiences are not like my own. I have thought about joining student groups or going to school events that could get me out of the realm of engineering and singing. 

What's interesting is that I have many social groups, but they're all distinct from one another. Most of my engineering friends don't know my acapella friends. My Esports team doesn't talk to my roommates. These groups stay separate and it is very clear that there is a unique dynamic when I interact with each group. I find myself modifying my personality depending on who I am with.

When I'm with my online friends we make jokes that poke fun at each other. We make fun of each other's personalities, shortcomings, and disabilities. I will admit it's pretty insensitive but I believe it has made us a lot closer. We are comfortable being mean to each other and enjoy dark humor. I don't see any issues with my current social circles. I care about all of my friends and family and being diverse is what makes life so interesting. If anything I would like to continue to expand my social circles so I can learn more about others and train myself to be more inclusive and respectful.


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